Port 80 still blocked for @Home users?
Brian Cluff
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:50:47 -0700 (MST)
> Since I'm going to be moving away from .az to .va and my ISP there is
> questionable, one question comes to mind: do web browsers automaticially
> attempt to connect to port 8080 implicitly? (ex: if I specify
> http://tank.dyndns.org, will it try tank.dyndns.org:8080 after trying :80?)
None of the browsers that I have seen do that. What you can do if you
want to host your own. Find someone that is willing to have your domain
pointed at their machine and have them put a mod_rewrite rule in their
apache to rewrite all the urls from www.place.com to www.place.com:8080 or
whatever port you pick. That exact method has worked out very good for
Eric Thelin. (Or in other words, if you have any questions about exact
methods of how he did it contact him :) he posts on this list from time
to time.
I myself only put pages up that I am testing and so it's not that big of
deal to add an 8080 to the url since nothing I do should be crawled and
published anyway I don't have to worry about dead links.
Brian Cluff