Port 80 still blocked for @Home users?

David A. Sinck plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 18:01:14 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth Bob Cober on 10/12/2001 14:15 as having spake thusly:
\_ Port 80 was blocked for me too, and I no longer have a LAN City.  :-(
\_ FYI - I am sure everyone already realizes this, but it is VERY easy to
\_ configure Apache, IIS, Tomcat, or any other web server to use some other
\_ port than 80.  Then your web site could be accessed as www.mysite.com:8797
\_ (note: that is not a real address).
\_ Adding a port number to the url is so simple, it seems to me that blocking
\_ 80 really doesn't stop anyone from doing anything....

Port, shmort.  Change it to 443 and just add an 's' to your protocol.  :-)
