OT: Silly Windows Question

Gontran plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:32:31 -0700

* George Toft (george@georgetoft.com) wrote:
> If I am listening to some streaming media via Windows Media Player,
> how can I capture the stream for later editing/CD burning?

There's this really wicked app called ASFrecorder that afaik is
reasonably hard to find, but will allow you to save to disk those
media streams....


  asfrecorder.c - by an unknown author, so no one is to blame.
                  Well, blame it on Microsoft.

                  Version 1.1 - Platinum Edition

                  new features:
                  -proxy and password support,
                  -a randomized client identifier (GUID),
                  -fixed problems with some asf files using partitioned headers,
                  -enhanced resume functionality to avoid broken ASF files.
                  -timecode correction for live recordings (enables seeking)

                  And that's it! This is my last ASFRecorder update!

