KDE Question for Kurt
Kurt Granroth
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:00:01 -0700
On Thursday 11 October 2001 11:50 am, Nathan England wrote:
> I noticed that in slackware 8 with kde 2.2 and 2.2.1 we get "invalid
> certificate" errors on ssl web sites, though it continues to work.
> Are there any specifics about the way openssl needs to be compiled, or
> kde for that matter?
> Anything you could contribute that might help solve the problem? Or any
> info you would like to know more about?
> Sorry to hit you with this, but you're the active one here, and always
> seem to know the answers. I appreciate any ideas/info/thoughts...
Well, I don't know the answer to this one, sorry. We had some problems
with invalid certificates a few months ago, but I thought they all went
I'm going to ask George Staikos about this. George is our SSL guru (he
wrote our SSL support) and if anybody would know the answer, it would
be him. I'll let you know what happens.
Kurt Granroth | http://www.granroth.org
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer
granroth@kde.org | granroth@suse.com
KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop