George Toft
Tue, 09 Oct 2001 08:50:50 -0700
"der.hans" wrote:
> Am 07. Oct, 2001 schwätzte George Toft so:
> > I would look at it from a marketing perspective. Each of the
> > distros you cited are backed by a company. I believe Slack is
> debian isn't backed by a company. Most commercial vendors won't acknowledge
> it either.
> > supported only by Patrick V. Also, look at the market share.
> > Red Hat has 55-60% market share, Caldera 10%, and all others
> There's the impression that RH has that much. There was even back when
> Caldera supposedly had the most installed boxen.
I looked this up before I posted, and these were the numbers from
several web sites. I thought RH had more market share than that,
so my perception was off.