cat5 wiring question

Patrick Hustis
Fri, 05 Oct 2001 13:29:46 -0700

Howdy all!

I'm new to the list, and I've just kind of been lurking 'round here. :)

I just thought I'd chime in about the 'any combo' approach.  Jay is speaking wise words when he says to follow the spec.  I recently helped rewire an office that previously decided to run one CAT5 cable to every office and use it for both PBX and networking.  They couldn't figure out why the network had so many problems. 

Patrick Hustis

At 01:09 PM 10/5/01 -0700, you wrote:
>David A. Sinck wrote:
>>\_ SMTP quoth Brian Cluff on 10/5/2001 09:16 as having spake thusly:
>>\_ It doesn't matter which one you use, as long as you use the same one for
>>\_ both sides.  Ethernet actaully only uses 1,2,3,6 and if you look at the
>>\_ colors that are left over after you take out the unused ones you
>>'unused'?  So if I were being pointlessly cheap, I could use one
>>strand of cat5 to populate two jacks?  Or are they carrying important
>>grounding information?
>The "Use any combo" approach can get you into trouble on a long run of cable.  I have run into problems in the past using this approach.  You should follow the spec to be safe.
>   The spec is here -
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Patrick Hustis                         
TelTrax Corporation
Vice President  Information Systems