Wed, 3 Oct 2001 11:53:59 -0700 (MST)

I don't recall the commands at the moment, but there is a link on our site bottom right corner for graphical browsers. I
read the site and thought the link would be helpful so put it there.

On Wed, 3 Oct 2001, robert jorgenson wrote:

> WoW this is gonna sound dumb but...i am completely new to linux and i
> was wondering if there was a website i could go to that has a list of
> like basic commands and what you can do with them. Again i know this
> sounds dumb but i have a computer and i cant do anything with it as of
> yet because i cant get X up :( i think my distro cd's are i
> wanna connect my box to the internet and download it from an ftp site
> and build it myself. But i dont know how to do that yet :( so any help
> would be great!
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