Cox or Quest?
Richard L. Proctor
Mon, 1 Oct 2001 23:18:44 -0700
On Monday 01 October 2001 10:56 pm, you wrote:
> Chris Cowan wrote:
> > I'm moving to a new apartment and I have the choice between Cox or Quest
> > for my internet access. Any opinions on which one I should go with?
> I heard that Qwest is switching all their clients over to MSN
> as their Internet Service Provider. They were going to delay
> this for Mac users, but there was no mention of Linux users.
> I may have this all wrong, but it's something to check into.
> I have been happy with Cox in Northeast Phoenix. The ISP is
> Excite@Home, which lost some of my email when I first started
> with Cox about a year ago. But I've not been aware of any
> real problems recently. Download speeds are very good.
> Upload speeds are not something I'm sensitive to.
> Excite@Home appears to be going bankrupt or changing hands,
> and we don't know what disruptions users might see when a
> new owner (possibly AT&T) takes over.
> Play the competition and see what kind of deal you can squeeze
> out of them.
> Good luck.
> Vic
It amazes me to read people have so much trouble with cox, i've been with
them now over a year and i've never experienced any trouble with them at all.
It's been great and flawless. My speeds are fantastic and the service has
been great.
I also have digital telephones with cox and I did have a problem one time
making local calls around my neighborhood and called customer service and
told them I could not phone my dad because of this problem. They not only
called me back and told me what the problem was, they also called my dad and
told them the problem was fixed and was he experiencing any problems
contacting me, and my dad is with quest. Now that's customer service.
My 2 cents.