"JABBER" on the list Can't we keep it down?

sm plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 12:23:53 -0700 (MST)

On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, John Mosier wrote:

> Can't we keep the NOISE on this list down.  This JABBER is ridiculous!
> NONE of us is interested in the explanations.  AZIPA rules are better
> than the PLUG rules.There are two regular posters whose postings ALWAYS
> process the RE: as attachments.
> I am considering dropping my subscription to the list because there
> is so much JABBER and NOISE on the list that the useful stuff is
> totally drowned out by excessive posting by people who have nothing
> constructive to add.
> There are two regular posters whose postings ALWAYS process
> with attachments.

Rather than cluttering up the list with jabber related trolling, it might
be more appropriate to ask if there's a announcement related mailing list,
or something along those lines.  Most organizations have one.

Since there's a lot of crosstalk between organizations around here, as you
yourself point out, it makes some sort of sense that the PLUG list, which
is the most general and least Official[tm] list of these organizations,
have a lot of the jabber that is an unavoidable side effect of this form
of communication.

This is the reason I have PLUG in it's own folder, as I have AZIPA, AzPHP,
ASULUG, and the apparently 4,000 other Arizona related free software/open
source mailing lists I'm on filter into their own seperate boxes.
Surely, if it were not for Procmail, I would be dead.  I would have
drowned in the stream of babble.  Hooray for procmail.

A complaint was raised against this person in a public forum.  They should
be allowed to respond in kind.  Do I really care?  No.  How long would it
take me to delete the post?  Yea, about three seconds.

Now, I may be going against the grain here.  More people may think that
this is a problem rather than just an unfortunate side effect.  In which
case, perhaps a seperate 'plug-useless' mailing list could be set up, or
perhaps a completely different form of communication, such as IRC, or more
appropriately, a Jabber server. :)
