Check This Out!!
Blake Barnett
28 Nov 2001 13:41:03 -0700
They may be using Apache as a filter proxy for IIS to defeat a lot of
the worms.... I know we are/will be using it for this to protect a
couple of necessary evils we have on our network.
Under normal circumstances you wouldn't know that apache was there, but
you may be able to find out by telneting to port 80 and doing manual
HTTP commands. There's other ways to find out as well.
It would be significant if you could prove they were using Apache in
this way, netcraft would probably love to verify it and mention it in
their monthly report.
On Wed, 2001-11-28 at 09:57, Chris Cowan wrote:
> Not Found
> The requested URL /us/dev/default.asp was not found on this server.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache/1.3.20 Server at Port 80
Blake Barnett (bdb) <>
Sr. Unix Administrator office: 480-377-6816
"Do, or do not. There is no try." --Yoda