Connecting to NT printers

Tom Achtenberg
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 05:41:47 -0700

The ZoneAlarm is now set so I can ping the NT server.  I can also see the 
shares including the printers with smbclient.  I still cannot print.

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 02:36 am, you wrote:
> To start with you need to fix your Zone Alarm problem on your NT box.
> I've been bit by this with VPN users at work.
> Zone Alarm must be configured correctly with regards to "local" and
> "internet" settings. According to what you described below, ZA thinks
> that *everything* other than itself - including your linux box - are
> considered evil internet hosts. If you've been playing with smbclient on
> the linux box, you should see several alerts on ZA from that box. If
> your ZA is typical default config with "local" having "medium" security,
> adding your linux box as being a "local" device should allow SMB type
> traffic (137, 138, 139, occasionally 135 (ms rpc)) to flow between them.
> After that, and short time to allow the netbios info to traverse and
> build up browser tables, then try the other suggestions, and keep an eye
> on your ZA alerts to make certain it's not killing something vital.
> Tom Achtenberg wrote:
> > My NT box is running ZoneAlarm.  If I turn ZA off the smbclient and ping
> > can see the server.  Smbclient still does not see the shares, just the
> > server and 1 of the 4 other PC's on my network.  I will NOT leave ZA off.
> >  I configured ping in ZA as a server and authorised it both local and
> > internet and the ;inux box could not see it, but then neither could my
> > Win2K box yet it can see the printers.
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