Connecting to NT printers

Tom Achtenberg
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:41:53 -0700

Are you offering to teach?

On Tuesday 27 November 2001 09:32 am, you wrote:
> Tom Achtenberg wrote:
> > My NT box is running ZoneAlarm.  If I turn ZA off the smbclient and ping
> > can see the server.  Smbclient still does not see the shares, just the
> > server and 1 of the 4 other PC's on my network.  I will NOT leave ZA off.
> >  I configured ping in ZA as a server and authorised it both local and
> > internet and the ;inux box could not see it, but then neither could my
> > Win2K box yet it can see the printers.
> ----------
> Zone Alarm is fine - you need to learn how to configure it so that it
> permits connections from 'friendly' hosts. Suggest that you learn how to
> create lmhosts file - and permit all access to and from local computers
> - or at least access that is necessary which would be at least things
> like TCP 137,138,139 and possibly others - I don't know but I think the
> lpd protocol is on another port.
> ----------
> > > Is Windows NT Server a domain controller? If so - get the domain name
> > > exactly right in the 'Workgroup' in /etc/samba/smb.conf
> >
> > I made this change.  As I said before, I had left everything as the
> > defaults.
> >
> > > then 'service smb restart'
> >
> > This was an unknowen command so I rebooted.
> ---------
> strange - I thought you were using red hat 7.2 - this should work. The
> long form of this would be '/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart'
> ---------
> > > then 'smbpasswd -j DOMAINNAME' - this will join the domain/create a
> > > workstation trust account for the linux box on the domain server.
> >
> > This failed saying it could not join the domain.
> --------
> Zone Alarm rides again!
> --------
> > > then you should have no trouble with 'smbclient -L
> > > ip_address_of_Win_NT_Server (though you might have to supply an
> > > administrator password to access the shares.
> > >
> > > Craig
> >
> > I wish this were so.  Linux is such an unfriendly system.
> --------
> I have said this before and I will say this again. There are those who
> curse the darkness and those that light candles.
> People that want to sit back and click their way thru gui configurations
> are often befuddled by the details. If you begin to grasp the details of
> linux - then you will find that even Windows NT etc. makes more sense.
> Thus I don't think you are having as much trouble with linux as you are
> having trouble with Zone Alarm - which is smack dab in the middle of the
> problem. If you shut it off for an hour, and tinker with things, you
> will find that these things indeed work.
> Having a firewall product installed on a local lan machine is a rather
> hostile thing to do if you intend to actually try to share files,
> printers and services. Better to have the firewall stand sentry at the
> internet connection and you can have all the local lan machines freely
> interact with each other. I shudder to think of having a machine on the
> local lan that isn't trusted.
> Craig
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