sam mulvey
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 03:41:08 -0700 (MST)
vosque@cantra:~$ finger @finger.kernel.org
The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: 2.4.15
The latest beta version of the Linux kernel is: 2.5.0
The latest prepatch (alpha) version *appears* to be: 2.4.15-pre9
The latest -ac patch to the stable Linux kernels is: 2.4.13-ac8
Which means Linus may be working on new territory again. See if I can
track down a post on it or some such. I think this is very good news!
I'll try and track down something on LKM on it.
It's better when he doesn't have to worry about stability in the same way
as one would need to with production kernels.