Charles A. Reynolds
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 13:03:50 -0800
I do not know what the correct default settings are. I am not certified in
anything Microsoft (well maybe certifiably insane). It has been my
that the operating system should only be installed once. Upgrades, patches
and component additions/deletions are not reinstalls. It maybe that this is
another typical weakness of the MS OS but I believe that there cannot be
many valid reasons to reinstall the OS. No matter the operating system
Let me say that I responded to this thread only because I want to show that
any argument can be made about real and perceived deficiencies of any OS
(spin). It is not a worthy argument to compare the two. I believe most
professionals are aware of the problems of each OS and uses each OS where
it's applicable. It has become obvious to you that for your application the
MS OS' are not going to work. You should be grateful that our choices are
unlimited (MS is not a monopoly, just a bully).
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Charles Reynolds
Greatful to be an American
----- Original Message -----
From: "George Toft" <george@georgetoft.com>
To: <plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us>
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: Woohoo!!!
> What is the correct setting for a default install? I choose
> the defaults for Windows and Office, and it blue screens about
> once per hour. Do you think that after 54 installs, in the name
> of efficiency and speed, that I won't choose the defaults just
> to get it done?
> I have heard that MCSE's can make Windows stable. It should not
> require that level of vendor training to make a consumer product
> work.
> George