
Carl Parrish plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 09:31:05 -0700

Okay I *have* to ask if you've used the email client in mozilla. Also 
there is evolution, symleed <sp?>, and kmail all pretty good clients if 
you need a GUI one. But I'm personally interested in why people don't 
like the mozilla one. I've heard this alot but don't understand *why* 
people don't think it compares to outlook. Its been the only one I've 
used for over a year.

Carl P.

Charles A. Reynolds wrote:

> I would agree with this last statement.  I do not have a preference for
> spreadsheets
> or word processors anymore but the mail client for windows is awesome.
> Again the
> only flaw the OS and its vulnerability to viruses.  I could swear that there
> is a Unix
> version of Outlook.  Could be just dreaming!?
> Most of my business is done over the internet and we use pine to notify our
> clients of
> shipping instructions.  The user interface is cumbersome and cryptic.
> However it gets the
> job done.  No viruses and never goes down.
> What is Netscape's excuse for not developing a competitive mail client.  The
> big bad monopoly?
> Charles