linux box troubles

Thu, 15 Nov 2001 17:18:35 -1000

Jim wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, Armand wrote:
> > There is a newer driver for this card called 8139too
> > lsmod and see which driver you are using.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Armand
> I downloaded the source code for 8139too.  The readme file said I needed
> a kernel version 2.4 or greater.  I ran menuconfig and there were too many
> options in there that I didn't know what they did so I thought it safe to
> leave it alone.

If you insist on running the 2.2.x kernel you can use this patch

If I were you I would install a newer distro/version with the 2.4 kernel
and that would
probably solve your problem.

But if you really want to learn about linux you might consider getting
the 2.2.19 source,
apply the patch and re-compile your kernel.

My favorite guide for patching and re-compiling is here:

Save any data you can't replace before you start. :^)

Have fun,