live from ALS

Tue, 13 Nov 2001 19:32:32 -0700 (MST)

Am 10. Nov, 2001 schwätzte Alan Dayley so:

> I am VERY interested in the Brazil stuff.  I spent 2 years there in the mid 
> 80's and they NEED technology help.  Open Source is a great answer for 
> them.  Tell us (or at least me) about it.

Let's talk about .br sometime. Cesar says they're doing lots of stuff. Gov't
is sponsoring devel. His uni is providing consulting for other unis. They've
got someone heading to .de for 3 months as a consultant for a uni over
there. They're doing conferences.

Maddog brought up a uni in .br that's using a beowulf cluster to do
animation like that seen in "Toy Story", except they're doing it in real

The big cities are still avoiding Free Software, but the more rural areas
are definitely into it. Cesar's state has passed a law requiring gov't to
consider Free Software in any bidding process.


#  I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans