Booting from the harddrive
Nancy Sollars
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 23:39:07 -0700
tell me is anything broken on RH 7.2?
or whats actually new
just interested tis all
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Parrish" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: Booting from the harddrive
> Thanks everyone I successfully upgraded my version of RedHat to 7.2 this
> weekend. Then I was going though my old emails and realized that I
> hadn't thanked everyone yet. Thank you much.
> And on to today's problem. <wg>. Okay every since I did the upgrade I
> noticed that I was having problems with mozilla. At first I simply
> assumed that the verision of mozilla that RH was using was off or wrong
> in some way. I of course have about 6 different versions of mozilla on
> my system so didn't think much of it and just loaded one of "my"
> versions of mozilla. Then I noticed that I have the same behavior in all
> of my versions. *Then* I noticed that there is a
> nautilus--mozilla-client running. And despite how many times I kill it
> if mozilla is running it's running. (and using a *lot* of resources).
> Does anyone know how to turn it off? And is nautilus *supposed* to be
> running in the background always?
> Carl P.
> Kevin Brown wrote:
> > If you mean boot and install from the hard drive then yes. Make the
> > floppies and during install point it to the files. Unfortunately I
found that
> > while RH6.2 looked for the folder structure (not the ISO) and 7.1 looked
for the
> > ISO (or was it the other way around). I just remember that RH wasn't
> > in what it needed to do a HD install.
> >
> >
> >>Okay My CD-ROM burner isn't working so I was wondering if there is a way
> >>to boot from a directory on my hard drive (which is where I copied the
> >>iso file for Redhat 7.2). I've got a pretty good connection to the net
> >>so if there is a better way to do this I'm open to surgestions.
> >>
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