OT - Personalized Geek License Plate Ideas?
John (EBo) David
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 22:15:15 -0700
Matt Alexander wrote:
> Hey everyone...
> I'm thinking about getting a personalized license plate with some geek
> theme to it. The max is 7 letters and you can check if your idea is
> already taken here:
> http://www.dot.state.az.us/mvd/PersonalizedPlates/platesearch.htm
> So any suggestions from the audience? SYSADMN and NETADMN are
> available... SU is also available, although I doubt anyone, even most
> geeks, would recognize what it meant. They'd probably think it was my
> initials or something. USENIX is also available...
> I look forward to your suggestions!
One of my favorites is /nev/dull which would have to be shortened to
nev/dul or nevdull
"Null" would be a good one or how about "drvr" or "creat" (from the old
C run time library -- historical note, it is the FIRST thing that
Kerningham would change in the C language [aparently he has caught more
greaf over misspelling that than anything else]).
Slack/Deb/RPM/KDE/Gnome/*NIX/ping (actually I like that one...
submarine term actually, but would need to be put on a rust bucket)
hmmm... I'll have to think about that...
EBo --