Another Recommendation
Craig White
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 20:24:01 -0700
Kurt Granroth wrote:
> On Monday 12 November 2001 04:06 pm, Sriram Thaiyar wrote:
> > | Chill. You seem rather hypersensitive about your culture. I
> > | incorrectly
> >
> > Where do you get that? You assumed that my name was feminine. I
> > assumed that you didn't know about other cultures. Now who is
> > hypersensitive?
> Some years ago ('94 or so), I had a 4-month long "flirtation" over
> email with a person named Jan. It never occured to me to ask if Jan
> was male or female since in the US, 99.9% of all Jan's are female.
> Word to the wise: *most* Jan's in Europe (and this one was from Sweden)
> are guys.
> It turns out that Jan was the latter sex and was just playing along to
> see how long it took me to find out (as mentioned, 4 months). Believe
> me that I never assume *any* gender based on names anymore :-)
> --==========================================================
I believe that this falls under the category - You Can't Tell the
Players Without a Scorecard
Sheesh / telephone / internet flirtations are a sign of an overactive