Why Linux will win and Micro$oft will lose
Carl Parrish
Sat, 10 Nov 2001 18:19:27 -0700
Okay when I first saw this thread I said to myself "Carl don't get into it. This threat could take up *days* of your time". But after reading
follow ups I know I won't be able to sleep if I don't have my say. Okay
One Micro$oft will *NOT* lose. okay did that sink in because. Linux
won't lose either. They're playing *completly* different games.
Micro$oft is trying to control the world of computing (and if they keep
diversifying I'll just end that at "the world"). Linux is trying to make
the best OS. Belive it or not. You don't need to own the Desktop market
to prove that you have the best OS and Linux isn't really about proving
anything to anyone anyway. I've always hated how the media pits us, the
Linux community, against M$; but what I hate even more is how we've
started listening. So let me say for the record That I have *zero*
interest in having a computer that looks, feels, or in any other way
resembles M$. I want a system BETTER than anything M$ could think up.
And see that's where Linux excels. It gives us a choise. It gives us the
opportunity to say "I don't like how that does this.Or how slow this is
going. And we can *do* something about it. Linux was made by programmers
FOR programmers. We are *NOT* trying to take over the world. There is
still plenty of room for netBSD, FreeBSD, OS/2, BeOS , OSX, Solaris and
any other OS out there. And while I would happly dance over the grave of
M$ when it finally does die. (notice that *all* other OSes are getting
closer and closer to *nix). I have no inner need to see Linux as the
number one Desktop OS. I feel pretty confidant that Linux will be the
biggest embedded OS. With the money IBM is throwing at Linux and the
fact that Sun, and Oracle will soon be following. The fact that the
internet was made for *nix. and still runs better on it. Are all just a
*few* of the reasons why Linux will continue to be a better OS while M$
continues to take over the world. There will always be people who will
use computers like an appliance. I wish OSX luck in grabbing a huge
portion of that market. But then there are people like myself (and I'm
sure most of this list) that uses their computers for tools to create
things the world has never seen before. You just can't do that the way
it needs to be done in a M$ world. Therefore there will be more
developers leaving it. More system Admins refusing to guantee a system
that has to use M$. And yes more home users willing to give up the easy
way to have freedom. Freedom isn't "free" it never has been it never
will be. The cost? You have to RTFM you, have to join groups like this
one. You should want to contribute back. BTW I *finally* got my mp3s
working with my soundcard. It took me awhile. But I now know more about
mp3s than I even knew there was to know. And you can bet that someday
that's going to come back to my community. While Linux continues to
develop smarter and smarter programers who contribute back to it. M$
develops dumber and dumber computers users (I'm not name calling I'm
just saying that they learn less and less about computers with each new
version). Who couldn't contribute even if they wanted to. And that M$
will *never* be able to take aways from us. Let M$ run scared its about
time that something is doing that to them. But that doesn't mean that we
have to chase them. if we keep doing that we'll always be behind them
and I have zero interest in that.
Carl Parrish