lanbash @ my house

Sat, 10 Nov 2001 15:57:29 -0800 (PST)

 ok, so, dont flame me for talking about that 'other operating system'

I am hosting an all night lanbash at my new house in mesa for those who
have high end gaming machines.  This is a bit last minute but people are
welcome to show up with boxes and setup to game with us.

Yes, almost everything will be windows since linux doesnt support 90% of
the games. :)

we WILL be playing alot of quake3, and the new wolfenstien test 2 (both
which run in linux)

internet access, full switched network etc etc etc blah blah

if anyone wants to show up please call and let me know.

directions along with my phone nmber are at..

Also, if you decide to come, please if yo can bring a folding chair for
yourself and ALL your PC components as we have no spares.

headphones required. :)
