bigslack again

robert jorgenson
Thu, 01 Nov 2001 10:56:46 -0700

the last message i can see is just it displaying which hard drive i have
i start it by going into dos, cding to \linux and typing linux(a loadlin script in there that boots it)
i unzipped the files to the c: drive and it made its own directory there(\linux)

11/1/01 7:39:34 AM, "Thomas Mondoshawan Tate" <> wrote:

>On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 11:39:52PM -0700, robert jorgenson wrote:
>> WoW another problem :( i got zipslack all unzipped and everything and it
>> tries and loads it just fine no errors and it just restarts...any ideas? i
>> am stuck
>Where in the kernel boot process does it reboot?
>How are you attempting to start it?
>Where did you unzip the files to?
>Thomas "Mondoshawan" Tate