Weird Message
Thomas Mondoshawan Tate
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 22:43:41 -0700
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On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 10:04:23PM -0600, Sonja Michelle L. Thomas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ok, every so often I get a message in root-tail out of
> /var/log/messages like such:
> Oct 31 21:43:15 linux modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more
> recent than /li$
> Oct 31 21:43:15 linux modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> net-pf-10
> Oct 31 21:43:15 linux modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more
> recent than /li$
> Oct 31 21:43:15 linux last message repeated 2 times
Looks like modprobe is just complaining that the modules.dep file located in
your modules directory is older than the modules.conf file (which contains
auto-load information for kmod). Simple fix: As root type in 'depmod -a' and
that message should disappear forever.
> Oct 31 21:43:15 linux modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> net-pf-11
This particular message can become quite annoying at times... net-pf-11 is a
specific module that the kernel is looking for -- typicially it's not a
serious error, and it usually occurs when net-tools was compiled for support
for a protocol that the kernel wasn't compiled for. Unfortunately, I've
never been able to find a good mapping of the net-pf-?? -> module name
around. If I'm right, though, the above 'depmod -a' should keep this message
from reappearing in the future.
> Oct 31 21:43:15 linux kernel: NET4: Linux IPX 0.38 for NET4.0
> Oct 31 21:43:15 linux kernel: IPX Portions Copyright (c) 1995
> Caldera, Inc.
This is just a normal chunk of copyright information that ipx.o spits out
when it's first initialized -- nothing to worry about.
> I'm running Mandrake 7.2 Kernel 2.2.19-secure on an AMD K6-2 300
> clocked down to 233. Any clue as to what's going on?
One question: did you recently upgrade your kernel from the stock kernel
distributed with your distro? If so, you'll want to make sure you installed
the modules with it -- just do an 'ls /lib/modules/2.2.19-secure', and if
you get a directory listing, you've got them. Other than that, see the above
messages for a fix for the other error messages.
Thomas "Mondoshawan" Tate
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