Distro roundup

Craig White plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Sat, 26 May 2001 23:36:58 -0700

Red Hat covers all bases

By Maggie Biggs
May 25, 2001

THE CURRENT ECONOMIC downturn has forced business and IT leaders to focus on
technology strategies that are forward-thinking yet budget-minded.
Open-source solutions are well-suited to today's market conditions because
they are typically more economical than commercial software and because they
incorporate technological advances and bug fixes faster than their
commercial counterparts, thanks to an open and ongoing development process.



- Craig White - PO Box 8634 - Scottsdale, Arizona - 85252
- e-mail address ................ - CraigWhite@AzApple.com
- world wide web address ........ - http://www.AzApple.com
- e-mail my pager address ....... - 6023779752@airtouch.net
- cellular phone ................ - (602) 377-9752
- voice/facsimile ............... - (480) 945-8445