PLUG-West Library?
Wed, 23 May 2001 21:05:01 -0700
I've got a discussion topic that doesn't go "boom". Books donated to
PLUG become door prizes at meetings, ja? It occurred to me that it
might be nice to build up a lending library to get more mileage out of
donations. Any comments?
There was a catalyst to this idea. I've been busily panhandling various
sources for doorprize goodies. A representative of TurboLinux has
stated that they'll send something called a "Linux Foundation Pack",
training materials for a Linux certification that have an alleged street
value of $750.00 (imagine my surprise)
It seems, IMHO, that a generous donation like that ought to see some
serious, prolonged use by multiple members. Maybe a doorprize could be
a selection from the library OR the traditional "fabulous prizes"?
Maybe I should be hitting up car dealers and real estate agents too...
I think I smell something burning, gotta go.