looking for decent gui for mysql

Carl Parrish plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 23 May 2001 23:34:40 -0700

<disclaimer>I have never used NuSphere. I have no idea how it works or 
if it works in the matter that you'd need </disclaimer>

That said I've heard it said that NuSphere has a gui  mysql editor.

Rick Rosinski wrote:

>I need some help on finding a decent gui for mysql.  I have been looking 
>around for a decent GUI and / or Web-based sql data editor for a while now.  
>I have been able to find various tools for editing, deleting, or modifying 
>the structure of databases, but not for the data itself.  mysqltool and 
>phpadmin are great, but I can't edit the data.  Other guis that claim to have 
>this feature are impossible to compile.  Even editing the makefiles proved 
>fruitless.   The make files are using the same lib prefix for both program 
>libs and sql libs, so it seems.  I don't want to relocate the mysql 
>libraries, because I would have to fix everything else mysql-based.
>Any takers?