Really offtopic now... (was Re: Disposing of an old computer securely)

Rusty Carruth
Sun, 20 May 2001 22:25:59 -0700 (MST)

> At first glance explosives usually seem like the ideal solution for
> life's little problems, but they're often just too noisy and messy; 
> he'll tweak the neighbors.  Use thermite*.  Not on the carpet.
> * sorry, recipe snipped after reflection.  It's all fun and games until
> someone vaporizes their foot.  Then it's all "boo hoo! you gave me evil
> data and I'm telling!". I hate it when that happens.

Well, shucks.  If the recipe is not out there on the net somewhere
I'd be REALLY surprised....   Yup - google found about 3,940
answers to 'how to make thermite'.

(Reminds me of the times when I hear of someone whining about some
kid in high school finding out how to make an explosive or something.
Shoot - if a student in chemistry cannot figure out at LEAST 10
different ways to blow something up then they should fail chem!
Ah, but I digress....)
