Newreader recommendation?
Alan Dayley
Mon, 21 May 2001 12:47:17 -0700
I installed from RH 7.1 so I assume I have a fairly recent KNode version.
I do remember seeing the Filter edit box at the top of the list, but, silly
me, I didn't try it. I will confirm the KNode version and the filter
operation when I get home tonight.
At 12:02 PM 5/21/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Okay, cool... apparently you just need to upgrade KNode :-)
>Here's what I am doing on the current KNode:
>I go to Group -> Subscribe to Newsgroups. At the top of the dialog is
>a "Filter" linedit. I type "kernel" in it As I type "kernel", the
>sorted list of newgroups updates itself in realtime to all groups that
>match that search. By the time I finish typing "kernel", there are 9
>groups left showing.. one of which is
>"". Simple!
>This is KNode 0.5.2. I'm not entirely sure what version was in KDE
>2.1.1... but this is definitely in the KDE 2.2alpha release and will
>be in KDE 2.2 stable when it's released.
>Kurt Granroth |
>KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer
> |
> KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop
|Alan Dayley
|Software Engineer 602-735-0300 x331
|Adtron Corporation
|3710 E. University Drive, Suite 5
|Phoenix, AZ 85034