burning audio cd with xcdroast 0.98/0.96

Julian M Catchen plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 16 May 2001 17:47:06 -0700

It has been a while since I have attempted to use XCDRoast to burn music
CDs.  I only remember that it was a difficult program to use to get the job
done. I think you had to use another utility to create the audio cd image
first, then burn it onto CD, although I couldbe wrong.

Try using a program called Gnome Toaster (gtoaster).  It has a GUI front
end that lets you drag and drop tracks onto the CD.  It converts wavs to
the approriate raw data on the fly.  Here is the homepage:
http://gnometoaster.rulez.org/.  The program is basically a front end to
all of the command line utilities like: cdrecord, cdrdao, sox, mkhybrid,
etc.  It also does data cds quite well.

I have burned many, many audio cds with this utility.


On Wed, 16 May 2001 13:39:14 Aaditya Rai wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to the world of cd-burning on Linux. I'm using xcdroast and have
> been successfully able to burn data cds. However, to date I havent been
> successful in burning audio cds from wav files.
> I spent last 2.5 weeks going thru mailing lists, and tried out the
> following:
> Have wav files to be burnt as audio disks (playbale by stereo systems)
> 1.  Used xcdroasd 0.98Alpha8. It does NOT have "fix wav files" option.
> And Its does Not show .cda/.cdr files either. So I burnt wav to audio.
> Result: Playble on computer. Disc not recognized on 5 stereo systems + 1
> car player.
> 2.  Used Sox to convert the fwav files to .cdr, then burn using
> xcdroast0.96e with and without "fix
>       wav files"
> Result: Same as above
> 3. Burnt striaght wav files using xcdroast 0.98e, with and without "fix
> wav files" option.
> Result same as above.
> I dont want to stoop to the level of having to resort to winblows for
> burning audio. Pleae Help!!
> Thanks.
> --
> Aaditya Rai
> Speedera Networks.
> "If you and I agree on everything then one of us is unneccessary."
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> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
> <html>
> Hi all,
> <br>I'm new to the world of cd-burning on Linux. I'm using xcdroast and
> have been successfully able to burn data cds. However, to date I havent
> been successful in burning audio cds from wav files.
> <br>I spent last 2.5 weeks going thru mailing lists, and tried out the
> following:
> <p>Have wav files to be burnt as audio disks (playbale by stereo systems)
> <p>1.&nbsp; Used xcdroasd 0.98Alpha8. It does NOT have "fix wav files"
> option. And Its does Not show .cda/.cdr files either. So I burnt wav to
> audio.
> <br>Result: Playble on computer. Disc not recognized on 5 stereo systems
> + 1 car player.
> <p>2.&nbsp; Used Sox to convert the fwav files to .cdr, then burn using
> xcdroast0.96e with and without "fix
> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; wav files"
> <br>Result: Same as above
> <p>3. Burnt striaght wav files using xcdroast 0.98e, with and without
> "fix
> wav files" option.
> <br>Result same as above.
> <p>I dont want to stoop to the level of having to resort to winblows for
> burning audio. Pleae Help!!
> <p>Thanks.
> <pre>--&nbsp;
> Aaditya Rai
> Speedera Networks.
> "If you and I agree on everything then one of us is unneccessary."
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> This message is for the named person(s) use only.&nbsp; It may contain
> confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information.&nbsp; No
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> If you receive this message in error, please immediately delete it and
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> distribute, print, or copy any part of this message if you are not the
> intended recipient. SPEEDERA NETWORKS, INC. reserves the right to
> monitor all e-mail communications through its network.</pre>
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