FW: [azipa] Job posting: Part Time Entry Level Tech Job!
Trent Shipley
Mon, 14 May 2001 15:12:05 -0700
DO NOT reply to Trent Shipley
-----Original Message-----
From: Joy Bowley [mailto:joy@opnix.com]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 2:48 PM
To: azipa@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [azipa] Job posting: Part Time Entry Level Tech Job!
Part Time Entry Level Tech Position
Funded, startup Internet infrastructure company, based in Phoenix/Tempe,
Arizona seeks Part Time Network Technical Support (NOC) personnel. This
is an hourly wage position that requires attention to detail and a desire
to learn. The individual must me self-motivated and responsible.
Skills required:
* Individual must be motivated, ambitious, and responsible.
* Experience with TCP/IP networking and troubleshooting.
* Experience with Cisco router configuration and troubleshooting.
* Knowledge of SNMP, DNS, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and other server-side
protocols and systems.
* Flexible schedule for 24/7/365 operation.
* Ability to have fun!
Optional/Helpful skills:
* Experience with Linux, *BSD, and/or UNIX systems and networks.
* Experience with Internet and Telecom network monitoring, and
Please email your resume (text-based please) with NOC job in the title to
joy@opnix.com or call 480.377.2700. Please include a list of skills and
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ Opnix, Inc. ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Joy Bowley Human Resources/
(480) 966-2900 Operations Coordinator
(480) 966-7551 (fax) http://www.opnix.com
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=[ Innovating Internet Intelligence ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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