just in case you missed it

David A. Sinck plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 9 May 2001 07:26:18 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth KevinO on 5/9/2001 01:07 as having spake thusly:
\_ Not only are the OSs from Redmond full of holes, so are the services
\_ running on the servers. IIS is a great example. Active Directory another.

Ah, but don't forget the Morris Worm, the recent Lion worm,
sendmail-hack-of-the-day, bind-hack-of-the-day, ....

Pot, Kettle.  Kettle, Pot.

What would be amusing would be a superscanner by White Hats that would
scan everything (even across airgaps + powered-down) and provide a
scoreboard of OS x vulnerabilities.

Me, I like the fact that I can arbitrarily shoot everything I don't
want on my system, because I actually know what it does.  I got a Loki
game to run just fine on a 80Hz under min spec machine, because I
could shoot everything but X and the demo. :-)
