Help is on the way
Nigel Sollars
Wed, 9 May 2001 06:59:24 +0000
On Tue, 08 May 2001, you wrote:
> Hmmm to me it just seems that Microsoft is beginning to realize what Red
> Hat already knows. The real value is the service.
Hmm redhat and service in the same sentence ..
RedHat as far as im concern'd are becomming the M$ of Linux. I was at a show
where one of their guys did a presentation. I did not like what i heard in
the way that he sounded from start to finish like a meglomaniac and well as
far as i saw of RH 7.0 they made and prolly will keep making major hashes of
their distro. The one person i felt a little sorry for here in the uk was
Alan Cox as he took a bashing from the uk Linux users about the broken bits in
RH 7.0.. Remember the UK public are a little more pedantic than others and
this caused alot of users to drop RH all together and go on with another distro.
On the service side as dell computers in Ireland are finding RH Support and
Service is almost non existant on their service and support lines and this is
being honest you will be lucky to get someone who knows how to spell Linux
alone used it and set stuff up..
> > Carl P. > > Jim wrote: > > >MS seems
more than willing to encourage its corporate customers to > >investigate
alternative sources of software. From the article below, MS > >is considering
replacing its perpetual licenses with a fixed-time license. > > Now just how
much more encouragement will an IT executive need? He can > >pay MS now AND
pay MS later. This is obviously a response by MS to either > >force its
customers into its upgrade scheme to insure corporate profits > >(MS's, of
course). Even if you find no compelling reason to upgrade to > >MS's latest
and greatest, you may still be forced to pay them to continue > >to use your
current not-so-latest-and-greatest incarnation of their > >software. > > >
> > > > >
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