Not your father's Linux

Dennis Kibbe
Thu, 3 May 2001 21:09:16 -0700

Maggie Biggs of the Puget Sound Computer Users has an interesting article 
about her experience introducing (and re-introducing) people to Linux.

Basically, they were surprised that today's Linux was so easy to install and 
work with.

The article brought this idea to mind. What if we could demo Linux at Fry's 
Electronics one Saturday out of every month? It would, at least, show those 
that only know what MS sells them what a modern Linux desktop looks like and 
help counter some of the MS FUD.

Ideally, Fry's would let PLUG install a distro on one of their display 
computers (I'm assuming NONE of them currently run Linux) and 1 or 2 PLUG 
members would be available to answer questions. Also, ideally, Fry's would 
put a notice in their newspaper ad and display PLUG meeting info new the 
Linux software.

I could see these benefits for Fry's.

1. Linux is in the news, so if they advertised a once-a-month demo it would 
draw customers to the store.

2. It would increase Linux software sales if the average user could see Linux 
in action.

3. It would help to educate Fry's sales people about Linux.

PLUG would, of course, benefit from the added exposure and, it's possible, 
some members would realize some consulting work out of it.

I'm sure this isn't a new idea and perhaps it doesn't sync with PLUG's 
objectives, but it seems a worthwhile project to me.

Comments, anyone?

Dennis Kibbe