[azipa] Ethics Question

Lowell Hamilton plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 02 May 2001 12:51:16 -0700

IMHO reporting/publishing unauthorized traffic on your network is
ethical and should be encouraged.  It is unauthorized traffic on your
'private' network and you can do with it as you please.  If that were
unethical, the police department reporting that as serial killer is on
the loose and giving a description/name would be as well.

I forward all my host firewall logs to incidents.org (SANS/GAIC reborn)
and snort logs to ARIS (securityfocus.com's IDS logging service) because
that information can help others see trends like worm probes and mass


"J.Francois" wrote:
> Now that I am back online I am being hammered by script kiddies
> trying to "0wN" the MagusNet Public Proxy.
> I wrote a script to automate putting my Intrusion Detection Logs
> into a Web Page to "out" the bad guys.
> I realize this will do nothing more than make them redouble their efforts,
> but the question I have is this:
> Is it ethical to reveal the IP address and attacks of the bad guys
> in a public web page?
> Please give me your opinions.
> The Page: http://www.magusnet.com/ids.html
> Thanks.
> Jean Francois - JLF Sends...
> President & CEO - MagusNet, Inc., MagusNet.com, MagusNet.Gilbert.AZ.US
> MagusNet, Inc. - Design * Develop * Integrate
> if ( $make_world || $make_build )
> } else {
> print "Sorry you can't do that with this Operating System";
> }
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