Which Linux Distro?

Tom Bradford plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 21:45:25 -0700

Bob Cober wrote:
> I have been happily using RedHat, but now I am curious...
> Why is Debian better?

Debian's not better.  

Answer your question? :)

There is no definitive answer to which distribution is the best.  Anyone
who tells you otherwise is not being very helpful.  The 'best' is
subject to what a person is actually looking for in a distro.  Me
personally, I don't have the time or patience to deal with a distro that
requires lots of tweaking and that has a lot of packages that are very
old for the sake of stability.  So I choose Mandrake.  Some friends like
Slackware because they don't mind having to edit text files and tweaking
the system a bunch.  Some hate Linux alltogether and just use FreeBSD.

Asking what the best distro is is like asking which desktop is better...
GNOME or KDE?  Kurt will say KDE, but he doesn't count.  :-)  I like
GNOME better, but that's just me.  A former employee refused to use
anything but FVWM, XTerm, and EMacs...  oddly enough, he was also a
Debian user.. go figure.  The point is, personal results will vary.  If
you're using RedHat, you like it, and you don't find it to be a pain in
the ass to upgrade and customize to your liking, then there's little
reason to switch.

Tom Bradford --- The dbXML Project --- http://www.dbxml.org/
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