Common install problem
29 Mar 2001 19:46:52 -0800
sounds like one of those problems I had.
I simply used an msdos low-level formatter, cleaned the drive
and re-installed... I think there is a setting in there that tells freeBSD to install a boot loader (which in this case, seems to have not been properly loaded).
On Thu, 29 March 2001, "Trent Shipley" wrote:
> I am trying to install a free *Nix OS on an ancient box that has a Pentium-I
> @ 125MHz, 32 Mbytes Ram and 10 GB IDE 33.
> All goes well until the reboot when I get the all-to-common little flashing
> cursor in the upper right hand corner of the screen. I know this is a
> V-E-R-Y common install problem, but this is the first time I have had to
> cope with it.
> In the past the little box has successfully run Slackware 3.x, Debian
> Potato, and (briefly) Red Hat 6.2, even running X. However attempts this
> week with:
> Walnut Creek FreeBSD 4.2,
> Slackware 7.1,
> and Redhat 6.2
> Just return the little un-responsive cursor.
> (As this will be used at work, I have a license preference for FreeBSD.)
> Trent Shipley
> Work:
> (602) 522-7502
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