Cox and Linux - info needed
Julian M Catchen
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 07:20:53 -0700
I have been running on Qwest DSL for about 9 months now with no problems.
I run mail, web and ftp on standard ports and have not had problems -- of
course they are not very high bandwidth. I think that you will find that
if your only choice for broadband is between DSL and cable, that you will
be happier with DSL.
There are many reasaons for this, but one of the best is because with DSL,
you get to choose your ISP. There are at least 30 to choose from. With
Cox, you get the "@Home" ISP with no choice. This includes, whether you can
have static IPs among other things.
I also know that in Cox's TOS agreement they do not allow servers or VPC.
On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 00:41:29 George Toft wrote:
> Thanks for the Qwest info. It would seem Qwest "is less than optimal"
> for running web/DNS/mail at home. What about Cox@home? Is it any
> better for this?
> I had a really good experience with cable in Hawaii (typically > 2mbit,
> sometimes as high as 5mbit), yet L.A. blew chunks (typically 15-20Kbit
> and totally useless Friday/Saturday night). I have 640K ADSL from Qwest
> now (in A.J.) and I love it (except for the Intel 2100 WinCableModem).
> George
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