KDE 2.1 and fonts
Kurt Granroth
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 11:50:35 -0700
Rick Rosinski wrote:
> I have just upgraded to KDE 2.1 (and QT 2.2.4), and I noticed some
> changes in how things looked. I noticed that the fonts were the
> Console defaults. I tried changing them to what I had before, and
> after applying the changes and restarting KDE, I saw that they
> reverted back to the consol defaults. I also noticed that Netscape
> has solid blocks for what used to show as real text on the toolbars,
> etc. Netscape isn't that important, but I want to be able to change
> the fonts to whatever I need. I am using fonts that I installed via
> xfstt. That all worked fine in KDE 2.0.1.
Hmm.. I remember reading about this happening to some other people. I
*think* that the fix was to explicitely set the charset.
Try this:
1) Open up the control center
2) Go to Personalization->Country & Language
3) Select iso8859-1 as the charset
4) Click Apply
You may have to restart KDE to see if it makes a difference.
Kurt Granroth | http://www.granroth.org
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer
granroth@kde.org | granroth@suse.com
KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop