Part-time employment as software engineer
Tyler Hall
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 21:30:45 -0700
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Alan Dayley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 9:08 PM
Subject: Part-time employment as software engineer
> I have a need to find some part-time employment (up to about 15 hours a
> week, contract or W2) as a software engineer. I am not asking necessarily
> :^) for job leads from PLUG members but I am at least asking advise.
> Almost all the job postings are for full-time stuff. Even short term
> projects of a few months are expected to be full-time participation while
> they last. I have found it difficult to find very many job postings from
> any source on the web or in print for part-time gigs. I suspect that word
> of mouth and established relationships fill those positions.
> How do I get in on the word of mouth and relationships so I can fill
> someone's need for code and my need for $? Any experiences any of you
> could share?
> Alan
> PS OK, now I'm asking: Got a lead for a job? Send me a line!
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