Anyone doing SETIathome?
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 19:49:19 -0700
I run seti and am a member of the 'Linux' seti group. Number 13 in the
rackings (of that group) with about 8200 units done. See :
Kevin O'Connor
If you look very closely at the underside of
an Intellimouse Explorer, and look directly
at the LED, you can see the fires of hell
awaiting you for buying a MS product......or
maybe I'm just seeing things......I
dunno....damn meds....
Bob George wrote:
> I'm sitting here with 1,050 units processed, wondering if there's a PLUG
> group teaming up for an effort. Anyone out there got a team going I can
> contribute to? Do significant numbers of the readership participate in the
> Linux group?
> - Bob
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