Old distros
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 14:58:18 -0700
Good point about old distros and newbies. Maybe we need to collect all
this kind of stuff and make it available to a team of mentors who will
hold the hands of the newbies during the install.
On Saturday 24 March 2001 14:42, you wrote:
> I was reminded by the recent post of all old distros that that dude
> was giving away that I have a few older ones that are just taking up
> space.
> Specifically, I have the following (these are all retail boxed sets --
> no "gpled" versions):
> SuSE 6.2 (English docs + English and German CDs)
> SuSE 6.4 (German only)
> RedHat 6.0
> RedHat 6.1 Deluxe
> MandrakeSoft 7.1
> Caldera OpenLinux 2.3
> Storm Linux 2000
> The German versions of SuSE are handy because they have the crypto
> (ssh, ssl, etc) stuff on them while the English versions don't.
> I'm not sure what to do with these. Giving them away is all fine and
> good.. but I am VERY leary of giving them to newbies. Isn't that the
> audience of freebies? Well, I would hate to have some person's first
> exposure to Linux be SuSE 6.2 when SuSE 7.1 is out and is soooooooo
> much better!
> So what would happen to these if I did just give them to PLUG?
> I also have an extra copy of SuSE 7.1 Professional (full $90 edition
> with docs + 7 CDs and 1 DVD). This is BY FAR, the best Linux
> distribution made to date for either users, sys admins, or developers.
> As such, I'm not a big fan of giving this to some random Joe Linux
> User. This should be given to somebody that is on the fence between
> Windows9x/NT and Linux and needs the extra push. Anybody know of
> somebody like that?
Bliss comes from within, ignorance from without