Free stuff for PLUG and some not so free stuff for PLUG
Gary Nichols
Fri, 23 Mar 2001 19:42:44 -0700
Thanks to Jim for volunteering to pick up the loot, and thanks to Lucas for
offering to buy my Amiga. :-)
Here's the breakdown of the goodies... hope you all enjoy.
XL Black Penguin Computing
XL White Penguin VXA
L Blue Penguin Polo
(Worn a few times, but in great shape... and washed! *g*)
Boxed Software:
Applixware Office (can't recall the version... but I think it was from 1998)
Redhat 7.0 new in shrinkwrap
Redhat 6.1
Redhat 5.2
Redhat 5.1
Suse 6.1
Accelerated X Multihead
Solaris 7 x86 + Sparc
Solaris 8 beta
Computer Consultants Handbook
Linux, complete ref (caldera)
Linux, Complete ref (penguin)
Linux, Adv ref (penguin)
Tcl/TK Tools
6" Stuffed Tux
Linux Library CD
A bunch of Redhat bumper stickers
Should you be the recipient of a box of software and you're missing the
cd's, let me know and I'll see if I can find them. This stuff has been in
my den for a while. *grin*
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Gary
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 3:04 PM
Subject: Free stuff for PLUG and some not so free stuff for PLUG
I just cleaned out my den and I have a bunch of linux-oriented stuff I'd
like to donate to the group. If somebody could swing by my home or office
to pick them up I'd appreciate it-- no idea when I'll make the next meeting.
Perhaps use them as door prizes or donations to school(s)?
More or less the pile of stuff consists of:
Redhat 5.1
Redhat 5.2
Redhat 6.1
Redhat 7.0 (brand new in shrink wrap)
Suse 6.x (can't remember)
Tk/Tcl Tools book
Applixware office
Various linux books that I had more than 1 copy of.
There are some linux T-shirts too, just can't remember what I threw in the
box. Anyway... this stuff is free to the group, just need a 'designatee' to
come pick it up!
My home is near I-17/Deer Valley in Phoenix, my office is near
Priest/University in Tempe.
Also OT, I am planning on moving to Chandler shortly so I'm wanting to sell
my Amiga 2000 with monitor/keyboard/mouse and a box of software. (You know,
better to sell cheap than move it LOL) The Amiga has 2MB of memory, a hard
drive/floppy/external floppy and works great.
I'll let all this Amiga stuff go for $100.
Anybody? Please answer to the list or you can email me directly at:
gnichols AT
Thanks PLUG'ers
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to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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