News Server Set up (newbie-ish)
Jody F. Kerr
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:23:09 -0700
Hey folks,
I'm finally getting a chance to play in linux again, hving been working
solely with MS stuff for a while. I hate to admit it, but I'm really rusty,
and have gotten a bit lazy. I just set up my box with RH6.2 (we specifically
needed to run that flavour because of some SW my GF needs). I did the [*]
everything install, and for fun & some friends I wanted to set up the News
server that was included with the install. It's INN-2.2.2 (I haven't checked
for newer RPMs yet). I have been reading through the docs, but with my
shoddy memory and general rustiness, I've been having some trouble. Anyone
interested in giving me a hand setting it up?
Jody F. Kerr
Technologist - Heard the Buzz? - Arizona Technologists Discuss.