reverse cygwin
Furmanek, Greg
Fri, 16 Mar 2001 10:32:24 -0500
I am guessing you are looking for something like "WINE".
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Doug Winterburn []
-> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 8:07 AM
-> To:
-> Subject: reverse cygwin
-> Cygwin presents a unix/linix API so that unix/linux apps can
-> be ported
-> to run under windows. Is there a package that does it the other way
-> around, that is a Windows API under unix/linux that allows
-> Windoze apps
-> to be ported to unix/linux? I have used vmware, but I was
-> looking for a
-> porting environment rather than an emulation thing.
-> Thanks,
-> -Doug
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