kernel very unstable

Kurt Granroth
Sat, 10 Mar 2001 20:14:57 -0700

Lucas Vogel wrote:
> My stock SuSE 2.2.16 kernel keeps intermittently crashing and hosing my
> machine to where I have to do a hard reboot. It seems to generate some kind
> of oops on the kmem_free function. 

In general, any regular crashing by a stock kernel points to hardware
problems on your end.  No kernel that ships with any of the major
distributions will give these kind of problems on halfway decent
hardware.  In general.

> I also seem to get a lot of --MARK-- log writes in my messages file. What do
> those mean?
Those are inserted just to let you know that things are still running
while looking through the log files.  They only happen if nothing has
been written to the syslog file in awhile.  There is a way to turn
them off (not sure why you would want to) but I don't remember how
Kurt Granroth            |
KDE Developer/Evangelist | SuSE Labs Open Source Developer         |
            KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop