CLIQ 2001 Registration Deadlines (fwd)
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 00:15:54 -0700 (MST)
moin, moin,
a Linux conference nearby.
Note local KDE developer Kurt Granroth is on the bill. Hi Kurt :).
# ;-)
# The only way for a woman to change a man
# is if he's wearing Depends[TM] - der.hans
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 11:24:47 -0600
From: Michael J. Hammel <>
Subject: CLIQ 2001 Registration Deadlines
Colorado Linux Info Quest - CLIQ 2001
March 29-30, 2001
Denver Marriott Tech Center
CLIQ 2001 Advanced Registration Deadlines Set For Both Attendees and Exhibitors
Discounted advanced registration for attendees is set to close on March 23rd for
mail-in registrations. Exhibitor mail-in registrations also to close on March
23rd. At-the-door pricing will be available after those dates.
Denver, CO (March 7, 2001) -- Open registration for the Colorado Linux Info
Quest (CLIQ) 2001 is going strong for both attendees and exhibitors. Advanced
registration for attendees, which at $55 offers a $30 discount from the regular
at-the-door price of $85, will remain open for mail-in registrants until March
23rd. After that date the registration fee will be $85.
Advanced mail-in registration for exhibitors is also set to close on March
23rd. No discounts are offered for exhibitors who register early, but booth
allocations are made on a first come, first served basis so early registration
is recommended to get the best booth locations on the exhibit floor.
PLEASE NOTE: advanced registrations for both attendees and exhibitors must
arrive at the CLIQ office by March 23rd! Mail-in registrations can be made
with a check or credit card (Mastercard or Visa) using the Attendee
Registration form ( or the
Exhibitor Registration form (
Hotel discount deadline looms
The Denver Marriott Tech Center has given us a March 15th deadline for
attendees to get the $79/night discount for CLIQ 2001. If you plan on
staying at the hotel you'll need to make your reservations before March
15th. Call the Marriott reservations center at 303-779-1100, tell them
that you will be attending the Colorado Linux Info Quest and ask for the
$79 discount rate.
CLIQ 2001 is a don't miss event
Our speaker lineup this year covers the the gamut of interests for both the IT
professional and the Linux home hobbyist.
Invited Talks include:
Keynote - David Sifry, CTO of Linuxcare
Linux Business - Scott Draeker, President/Co-Founder, Loki Entertainment
Embedded Linux - Rick Lehrbaum,
ROI with Open Source - Patrick Lannigan, VP, NuSphere
Linux Intro - John Lasser, Author, "Think Unix"
Desktop Panel Discussion group - various speakers taking audience questions
KDE and GNOME - Kurt Granroth, KDE/SuSE; Havoc Pennington, GNOME/Red Hat
Porting Debian to IA64 - Bdale Garbee, Debian
Open Source Content Mgmt. - Paul Everitt, CEO, Digital Creations/Zope
Handhelds and Linux - Dave Desrosiers, Linuxcare
Birds of a Feather Sessions:
Linux Legislation BOF
Linux LUG BOF: Kara Pritchard,
Linux as an Enterprise Platform: Mission Critical Linux
Linux Systems Administration: James Davis, Art Walker
Zope BOF: Paul Everitt, CEO, Digital Creations (makers of Zope)
Python: Sean Reifschneider, Co-Founder,
Open Source Development Laboratory: Tim Witham, OSDL Lab Director
Debian: Bdale Garbee, Debian Developer
GIMP: Michael J. Hammel, Senior Editor, and author of GIMP for
Web Professionals (coming from PTR)
XFree86 and the Linux Desktop: Daryll Strauss, XFree86 team and VA Linux
Converting a business to Linux: John T. Taber, Ph.D., Tabermatics, Inc.
High Availability: Alan Robertson, Linux High Availability Project
PHP: Scott Marlow, IHS
Jabber Instant Messaging: Brett Moses,
About CLIQ
Colorado Linux Info Quest, known as CLIQ to it's members, is a registered
non-profit organization in the state of Colorado. It is comprised of
volunteers from regional Linux user groups throughout the Colorado Front
Range. The aim of CLIQ is to assist both individual hobbyists and
businesses in the Rocky Mountain and Central US regions find answers to the
question "What can I do with Linux?"
CLIQ 2001 will be held at the Denver Marriott Tech Center on March 30th,
with "at the door" registration open on March 29th and 30th. The Denver
Marriott Tech Center is located just east of I-25 and Belleview Blvd. in the
Denver Tech Center. More information can be found on our web site at
Contact Information
CLIQ Chairman:
Michael J. Hammel
CLIQ Vendor Contact:
Kevin Cullis
The CLIQ Web Site:
General Information and Questions: