linux in the workplace
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 12:30:29 -0700
> I'm no expert, but if I were looking for an apprenticeship or something
> similar, I would be more interested in getting into the position than I
> would be about whether I could take my earring with me or not. Just an
> observation...
true. but if i'm doing something for free, i'm gonna dress my way. if i were
20 that might be differant. instead, i'm 34 and know what i want to do.
besides, i'm looking more at learning to support linux in the workplace
instead of a job working with linux. haven't seen anyone yet that wants
someone on the job with less than 5 years experience. and i'm far from that.
so with that in mind, the earring stays. and yes, i passed on a job that
said i had to take it out. i then filed charges on sexual harrassment on the
company with the veterans administration. don't remember what the fine was,
but the company policy was soon changed.
just my 2 cents.