RH 7.1 install problem
Tom Bradford
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 12:29:01 -0700
David O'Malley wrote:
> Sure enough, upon reboot and after POST I got a L on the screen, and it
> froze there. Nothing a Windows system disk couldn't fix. When I go back
> into Linux, and try to configure lilo.conf, I still get the message above
> when I run lilo, and it does the same thing to my boot record. I've tried
> putting in lba32, fix-table, and taking out linear, in all different
> combinations. Any suggestions (besides booting to floppy every time, or
> getting rid of Winblowz)?
I've had this problem with LILO on several Dell machines. Oddly enough,
I've had no problems with GRUB, so you may want to try that instead.
Tom Bradford --- The dbXML Project --- http://www.dbxml.org/
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