Intel 2200 Qwest DSL Modem??

Nigel Sollars
Wed, 27 Jun 2001 09:42:27 /etc/localtime

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Jason wrote:
> Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 08:26:18 +0000
> To:
> From: Jason <>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: Re: Intel 2200 Qwest DSL Modem??
> I only asked because I was given three choices with the free DSL
> installation... 
> A: pay Quest an additional $199 for some router they claim connects to
> the USB port (1. what USB port? Heheh. 2. Since when does a router
> hook to USB anyways? These are ethernet devices, right? Yes they say,
> with a USB connector. They dont know what for. Neither do I... a
> router with a USB connector seems pretty stupid to me - USB isnt
> exactly like RS232 - USB is anything but convienent to properly
> implement - are there even USB dumbterms that might be used in the
> field to set up a USB router?) In any case, I bet I can get something
> better cheaper, especially considering their sales rep who makes
> commission on the phone-sale of the DSL to me also indicated this...

you say some router... my fiancee uses Qwest she has a Cisco 678 Router
which to be honest blows the socks off most others that ive seen in europe.

Ive made moves to update this router when i arrive in Glendale .... Being a
Cisco reseller it helps with the heavy costs....

Regards Nige

> B: the free Intel internal DSL modem.
> C: Nothing at all.
> I figured what the hell, might as well get the modem. If nothing else,
> it will probably have a good metal backplane on it, right? :-)
> I asked:
> > > Does this sucker work with Linux?
> > > Intel 2200 Qwest DSL Modem
> Craig White wrote:
> > Don't know - they barely work on Windows. Spend more in configuration
> time
> > than the money you save.
> -- 
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